The mountain trails of the Ceahlău Massif
The Ceahlăul massif has an extremely rich and interesting history dedicated to the hikers who have followed its trails throughout time. The first path to the heights was built by the Cantacuzini family in 1860, and the first shelters were built in 1906 at Fântâna Rece, then in 1930 at Fântânele. Even now, tens of thousands of tourists climb Ceahlău every year to enjoy dreamlike landscapes and unique experiences, remaining one of the most attractive mountains in Romania.
Detaliile traseelor
All 8 marked routes from Ceahlău are accessible again, this after route 7 was reopened after two years in which the markings and tourist signs were redone. Next, we present to you one by one each route that can be traveled.
🌲 Trail no. 1: Izvorul Muntelui Cabin – Curmatura Lutul Rusu – Piatra cu Apa – Detunatele – Dochia Cabin
👉 Marking: blue band;
⏱️ Travel time: 3 h 30 min – 4 h on the way up; 2 h 30 min on the way down.
👁️🗨️ Level difference of 1070 m. Distance of 5.6 km. Medium difficulty level.
⚠️ The track may be followed even during winter time, after previously being informed of the weather.
🌲 Trail no. 2: Izvorul Muntelui Cabin – Curmatura Lutul Rosu (La Arsuri) – Izvorul Alb River – Dochia Rock – Jgheabu cu Hotaru – Dochia Cabin
👉 Marking: blue triangle;
⏱️ Travel time: 3 H 30 min – 4 H on the way up; 2 H 30 min on the way down.
👁️🗨️ Level difference of 1020 m. Distance of 5.7 km. Medium difficulty level.
⛔ During winter time, it is NOT recommended to follow the portion between Dochiei Rock – Dochia Cabin
🌲 Trail no. 3: Izvorul Muntelui Cabin - Maicilor Meadow - Ocolasului Mic Plateau - Dochia Cabin
👉 Marking: red line;
⏱️ Travel time: 4 H 30 min – 5 H on the way up; 3 H on the way down.
👁️🗨️ Difference in level of 1220 m. Distance of 6.9 km. Medium difficulty level.
⛔ During winter time, it is NOT recommended to follow the portion between Maicilor Meadow – Dochia Cabin.
🌲 Trail no. 1: Izvorul Muntelui Cabin – Curmatura Lutul Rusu – Piatra cu Apa – Detunatele – Dochia Cabin
👉 Marking: blue band;
⏱️ Travel time: 3 h 30 min – 4 h on the way up; 2 h 30 min on the way down.
👁️🗨️ Level difference of 1070 m. Distance of 5.6 km. Medium difficulty level.
⚠️ The track may be followed even during winter time, after previously being informed of the weather.
🌲 Trail no. 2: Izvorul Muntelui Cabin – Curmatura Lutul Rosu (La Arsuri) – Izvorul Alb River – Dochia Rock – Jgheabu cu Hotaru – Dochia Cabin
👉 Marking: blue triangle;
⏱️ Travel time: 3 H 30 min – 4 H on the way up; 2 H 30 min on the way down.
👁️🗨️ Level difference of 1020 m. Distance of 5.7 km. Medium difficulty level.
⛔ During winter time, it is NOT recommended to follow the portion between Dochiei Rock – Dochia Cabin
🌲 Trail no. 3: Izvorul Muntelui Cabin - Maicilor Meadow - Ocolasului Mic Plateau - Dochia Cabin
👉 Marking: red line;
⏱️ Travel time: 4 H 30 min – 5 H on the way up; 3 H on the way down.
👁️🗨️ Difference in level of 1220 m. Distance of 6.9 km. Medium difficulty level.
⛔ During winter time, it is NOT recommended to follow the portion between Maicilor Meadow – Dochia Cabin.
🌲 Trail no. 4: Durau Resort - Fantanele Cabin - Cusma Dorobantului - Panaghiei Rock- Meteo Cabin - Lespezi Peak - Dochia Cabin
👉 Marking: red line;
⏱️ Travel time: 3 H – 3 H 30 min on the way up; 2 H 20 min on the way down.
👁️🗨️ Difference in level of 1180 m. Distance of 7.3 km. Medium difficulty level.
⚠️ The track may be followed even during winter time, after previously being informed of the weather.
🌲 Trail no. 5: Durău Resort - Viezuri Meadow - Duruitoarea Waterfall - Polița Ariniş - Piciorul Schiop - Dochia Cabin
👉 Marking: red cross;
⏱️ Travel time: 4 h 30 min – 5 h
👁️🗨️ Level difference of 1240 m of climbing and 310 m of descending. The length of the track is 7.5 km. The difficulty level is medium
⛔ In winter, it is NOT recommended to walk the Duruitoarea waterfall – Dochia Cabin section.
🌲 Trail no. 6: Neagra Village – Negrei Foot – Văratec Meadow – Maicilor Meadow – Ocolașul Mic – Dochia Cabin
👉 Marking: blue cross;
⏱️ Travel time: 6 – 7 h
👁️🗨️ Difference in level is 1250 m. The length of the track is 14.6 km. The difficulty level is medium.
⛔ During winter time, it is NOT recommended to follow the portion between Maicilor Meadow and Dochia Cabin.
🌲 Trail no. 7: Bicazu Ardelean - Telec village - Bistrelor Confluence- Curmătura "La Scaune" - Curmătura Stănile - Dochia Cabin
👉 Marking: blue band;
⏱️ Travel time: 5 h – 5 h 30 min
👁️🗨️ Difference in level is 1225 m. The length of the track is 19.9 km. The difficulty level is medium.
⚠️ During winter time, it is NOT recommended to follow the portion between Stanilele Mici – Dochia Cabin.
🌲 Trail no. 8: Fântânele Cabin - Nicanului Meadow - Viezuri Meadow
👉 Marking: yellow triangle
⏱️ Travel time: 1 h
👁️🗨️ Level difference of is 230 m (180 m of climbing, 230 m of descending). The length of the track is 2.3 km. The difficulty level is medium.
⚠️The track may be followed even during winter time, after previously being informed of the weather.
The source of the information and more details can be found on the Ceahlau National Park website http://www.ceahlaupark.ro/
Regulile de vizitare
- Access to the park is granted only after paying the visiting fee, and only on the marked trails.
- For the entrance to the Ceahlău National Park, subscriptions of 50 lei for adults and 25 lei for children, pupils, students and retired persons are available.
- Camping is allowed only in the designated places; in emergency situations, spending the night in the bivouac is permitted.
- Dogs are allowed in the park only if they are kept on a leash.
- Access in the Ocolaşul Mare and Poliţa cu Crini Scientific Reservations is granted only by written agreement from the administrator and, if necessary, with an administrative attendant.
- Respecting nature, maintaining cleanliness and adopting a civilized behavior are mandatory.