The Pietricica mountain

The Pietricica mountain


Strada Schitului, Piatra Neamț, Romania


The Pietricica mountain, a solitary height that characterizes the entire area of ​​the city, is a huge geological relic, a remnant of a salted and overturned fold that dates back to the Paleogene of the flysch, accumulates all the formations specific to this region, including Oligocene layers with rich fossil deposits. Its maximum altitude is 590m.

"... the peak of Pietricica, this imposing massif of rock which, according to some, gave the name of the settlement where we are. Pietricica does not really encourage the locals, nor the foreigners of this settlement, to visit it, because of the roughness of the slopes, the bareness of the rocks and the lack of greenery - as it appears to those who look at it from the city." described the writer Victor Nămolaru in the book "Small tourist guide to Piatra-Neamț", published in 1969, at a time when vegetation was quite absent. But things have changed in the meantime!

The same author continued: "Tourists who still want to get to know it better and visit it, have nothing to regret. The panorama that opens before the eyes includes, from the top, the imposing creation of nature - the Ceahlău mountain, the Bistriței valley, the surrounding hills, all the way to the plain. We point out to the visitors, on the Bistrița side of the hill, the existence of a small cave – The cell of of the Monk, as well as the Pit of Stephen the Great, from where the soldiers of the great voivode announced, with lit fires, the approach of danger." 

Indeed, the peak and plateau of Mount Pietricica, a symbol of the city, are not to be missed. Access is easy, by car, and the view is truly impressive, especially at sunset. We say it one more time in capital letters: IT IS NOT TO BE MISSED!


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